The Choice

Volvo believes that to make better cars, they need a better understanding of the people who drive them. So my team at Grey pitched an unconventional way for Volvo to better understand their customers: a social experiment that explored the differences between those who embrace the future and those who fear it.

We put 100 people in a room and asked them to make a choice: Walk through the exit? Or into the unknown?

We filmed each choice, interviewed them about their decision, and partnered with Vox to provide more context and insight into why people make decisions, like this article, this video, and this poll.

With footage this good and insights this deep, the client agreed that our hero film should be 9 minutes long.

Upon entering an empty room, each participant heard this recording:

“In front of you are two doors. The only way you will know what’s behind the door on the left is to go through it. Behind door 2 is the exit. You can leave and go about your day.”

We partnered with Vox to dive deeper into the decisions people make…and why.

A series of explainer videos, articles, and a poll added further proof that no automaker goes to such lengths to understand their customers.


• Over 100 participants
• About 2/3rds chose Door 1: The Unknown
• 4 million people viewed the hero video
• 10% of viewers watched ALL 9 MINUTES!!!
• 2,500 reactions on social media

ECD: Matt O'Rourke
CD/CW: Nathan Archambault
CD/AD: Neil MacLean
PARTNER: Vox Creative
EDITOR: Tyrone Rhabb

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